Storm Event

There came a sea flood and people were drowned on the coasts of the Firth of Forth

Severity ? 5


No known sources of information.


No known sources of information.

Receptor and Consequence

This event featured in the chronology of historic storms compiled by Lamb (1991) and was associated with coastal flood drowning people on the coasts of the Firth of Forth. On this date, it was also reported that ‘a great tempest of wind and rain’ followed a long period with much snow lying contributed to the flood cause.

Summary Table

Loss of life People were drowned on the coasts of the Firth of Forth.
Residential property *
Evacuation & Rescue *
Cost *
Ports *
Transport *
Energy *
Public services *
Water & wastewater *
Livestock *
Agricultural land *
Coastal erosion *
Natural environment *
Cultural heritage *
Coastal defences *

*No known sources of information available


  1. Lamb, H. H. (1991). Historic Storms of the North Sea, British Isles and Northwest Europe. Cambridge University Press. Available at: 13 March 2015).