Storm Event

Severity ? 1


It was reported that waves were more than 20 feet high over the seawall at Chalkwell, Essex (Banjo, 2018).


No known sources of information.

Receptor and Consequence

This event saw flooding in Essex and Kent. In Essex, Army and Navy hotel at the junction of Burdett Road and Eastern Esplanade was flooded (Banjo, 2018). Eastern Esplanade from Kursal and Gasworks was closed due to flooding. Beach huts were demolished by the waves force. The road opposite Lulworth Court was severely disabled by water a foot deep. Palmeira road was flooded to the westbound pier carriage. In Dover, Kent, harbour flooded (Lawrence, 2017).

Summary Table

Loss of life *
Residential property *
Evacuation & Rescue *
Cost *
Ports Harbour flooded.
Transport The road opposite Lulworth Court and Palmeira Road were flooded.
Energy *
Public services *
Water & wastewater *
Livestock *
Agricultural land *
Coastal erosion *
Natural environment *
Cultural heritage *
Coastal defences *

*No known sources of information available


  1. Banjo, M. (2018). A Historical Analysis of Coastal Flooding in Essex: Analysis of Flood Frequency and Severity. Southampton Undergraduate Thesis.
  2. Lawrence, A. (2017). A Historical Analysis of Coastal Flooding in South-East England 1924-2016. Southampton Undergraduate Thesis.