Storm Event

Severity ? 2


It was reported that extremely high tides along with storm surge and south westerly high winds up to gale force of 8 or 9 pushed water against the coast causing unusually high waters and waves up to 4.5 metres to hit the shoreline (Akehurst, 2011).


A 300 metres area of shingle bank was worn down by wind and waves allowing water to overtop the defences (Akehurst, 2011).

Receptor and Consequence

West Sands caravan park flooded to 18 inches. Sea water flowed along Drift Road, Selsey causing several houses at East Beach Road to flood. The hinge at Selsey lost about 2 metres of shingle due to high tides while Bognor Pier lost 50-60 foot in strong gales and rough seas (Akehurst, 2011).

Summary Table

Loss of life *
Residential property Several houses were flooded at East Beach Road.
Evacuation & Rescue People had to be evacuated from West Sands caravan park.
Cost *
Ports *
Transport   Drift Road flooded.
Energy *
Public services West Sands caravan park flooded to 18 inches.
Water & wastewater *
Livestock *
Agricultural land *
Coastal erosion *
Natural environment *
Cultural heritage *
Coastal defences *

*No known sources of information available


  1. Akehurst, K. (2011). Coastal Flooding in the Solent, an Analysis using Sea Levels and Media Records. Southampton Undergraduate Thesis.